Simple can antenna for ADS-B 1090MHz reception
Here is a simple and easy to build antenna for ADS-B reception at 1090MHz:
What you need:
1x Aluminium can, length/height 69mm, outer diameter 44mm (mine was a spice can, Knorr/Unilever Aromat, EAN 40387444)
1x Brass pipe, 200mm length, outer diameter 2mm, inner diameter 1mm
1x SMA panel mount socket with front side nut
How to build:
- Cut the can to 69mm length. (Quarter wave length of 1090MHz)
- Drill a 6mm hole center bottom.
- Solder the brass pipe to SMA socket center pin.
- Cut the brass pipe length exactly to 194mm (see picture).
- Mount SMA socket in previously drilled center hole in can.
- That's all.
The antenna has a fairly broad resonance, accepts therefore some mechanical tolerances.
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