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Meshtastic range test with DIY sleeve dipole antenna v2 - 145 kilometers

Excellent performance of the DIY sleeve dipole antenna version2 for Meshtastic operations at 868/869MHz has been confirmed during a range test.

145 kilometers direct link between Meshtastic nodes established and confirmed via trace route.
145 kilometers direct link between Meshtastic nodes established and confirmed via trace route.

A direct link between two Meshtastic nodes in a distance of 145 kilometers was established and confirmed by a trace route request.

One node placed at a location with 456m MSL and the second node at Nebelhorn mountain at 2248m MSL. Both nodes had a direct line of sight connection.

Elevation profile
Elevation profile
Map view in Meshtastic app
Map view in Meshtastic app
Meshtastic node on Nebelhorn mountain
Meshtastic node on Nebelhorn mountain
Meshtastic node on Nebelhorn mountain
Meshtastic node on Nebelhorn mountain

Hardware and Settings #

Free space path loss



Link budget


22+20.11340+20.1=108.2dBm22+2-0.1-134-0+2-0.1 = -108.2dBm

31ED node RSSI -105 dBm
31ED node RSSI -105 dBm

The RSSI from Meshtastic node is indicated at -105 dBm which is close and even better than the calculated link budget.

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