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Sleeve dipole antenna for Meshtastic at 915MHz

Sleeve dipole antenna for Meshtastic operation at 915MHz.

Final antenna
Final antenna

That's proof of concept built starting from dimension of a ZIISOR antenna that was tested and not being resonant at 915MHz.

ZIISSOR 915MHz Antenna where it started from
ZIISSOR 915MHz Antenna where it started from

Bill of Material #

Semi-rigid coax might be expensive and not easy to source. A cheap solution is a combination of RG-316 inside a brass pipe. Either including the shielding or just the inner conductor with isolation. (with shield recommended)

Dimensions #

Final build dimensions

Build steps #

1 - 4 #

Follow the build steps as shown for the 869MHz antenna.

915MHz antenna complete
915MHz antenna complete

5 - Completely assembled #

Foam spacer to center the antenna inside protection pipe.
Foam spacer to center the antenna inside protection pipe.
Lower foam spacer keeps the sleeve centered.
Lower foam spacer keeps the sleeve centered.

6 - Impedance measurement results #

Tuned to -22dB @ 915 MHz inside protection pipe.
Tuned to -22dB @ 915 MHz inside protection pipe.
Corresponding VSWR 1.17 @ 915 MHz inside protection pipe.
Corresponding VSWR 1.17 @ 915 MHz inside protection pipe.

7 - Final antenna #

Final antenna
Final antenna

Simulation results #

Return loss
Return loss
Farfield gain pattern
Farfield gain pattern

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