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ADS-B Antenna comparison

This is a comparison of three ADS-B antennas: a OPA-5 from Embedded Development GmbH, the GNS HULC-M from GNS Electronics and my simple DIY built.

Disclaimer #

This is a pure hobbyist test and comparison of ADS-B hardware that you can buy online.
I have no relation with Embedded Development GmbH nor GNS Electronics GmbH.

Equipment under test #

(in that order)

Test location #

The Ipf mountain.
Latitude N48.87131
Longitude E10.35730
Elevation 668m above MSL

Test setup #
OPA-5 facing north
OPA-5 facing north
OPA-5 facing south
OPA-5 facing south
GNS HULC facing north
GNS HULC facing north
GNS HULC facing east
GNS HULC facing east
DIY antenna facing north east
DIY antenna facing north east
DIY antenna facing west
DIY antenna facing west
Test time #

Start: 10.05.2020 14:00
End: 10.05.2020 17:00

Each antenna setup was operated for 1 hour.

Time shown in graphs is not correct due to Raspberry Pi clock being out of sync while running offline.

Additional test hardware #
readsb run command line options #
./readsb --device-type modesbeast --beast-serial /dev/ttyUSB0 --max-range 0 --no-modeac-auto --net --lat 48.87131 --lon 10.35730 --no-modeac-auto --rx-location-accuracy 1 --write-output-every 5 --write-output /run/readsb --stats-range --quiet

./readsb --device-type gnshulc --beast-serial /dev/ttyUSB0 --max-range 0 --no-modeac-auto --net --lat 48.87131 --lon 10.35730 --no-modeac-auto --rx-location-accuracy 1 --write-output-every 5 --write-output /run/readsb --stats-range --quiet
readsb performance graphs #
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
OPA-5 left - GNS HULC center - DIY right
readsb polar range graph #

Note: These graphs depend on maximum distance of aircraft seen in any 5° sector during runtime.

Range in kilometer
Range in kilometer
Range in nautical miles
Range in nautical miles
Some thoughts at the end #

(in loose order, expressing my personal opinion)

Credits #

Special thanks to Gian Dido for temporary provision of the GNS HULC-M antenna.

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