Mictronics - DIY Electronic projects and more.


Well, I´m very happy with the piDrive I got as pledge from the Kickstarter campaign. Work nice and smooth on a 24/7 base in my personal webserver. But while building some other stuff with Raspberries I had a demand for some more piDrives. Unfortunately the maker of the Kickstarter campaign no longer response, there webpage has not seen any updates for month, almost a year, and there shop shows the piDrive anytime out of stock.

So I fired up my layout tool and put together my own piDrive design, similar to the original one, also based on PL-2571B.

mictronics piDrive
mictronics piDrive

That´s a first prototype. USB wiring is maybe an object to change.

piDrive bottom layer
piDrive bottom layer
piDrive top layer
piDrive top layer
piDrive top components
piDrive top components
64GB piDrive with Debian
64GB piDrive with Debian

Setting up the piDrive is a simple task. Required is microSD card of at least 128MB size, the SD image below and an actual Raspberry PI OS image of your choice.

Step by step:

Note: The microSD image will enable SSH by default.

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