Mictronics - DIY Electronic projects and more.

Aircraft database exports are made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License
Aircraft database for adsbSCOPE
Unzip and copy file icao24plus.txt to sub-folder extra in adsbscope.exe root. Note: adsbScope has a database hardcoded limit of 200000 entries.
JSON aircraft database for dump1090-fa/mutability
Unzip and copy content to /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/db. Replace existing files. Do not delete sub-folder aircraft_types and its content.
ICAO aircraft types
JSON database for dump1090-fa/mutability. Unzip and copy content to /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/db/aircraft_types. Replace existing file.
Complete database for old readsb (non protocol buffer version)
JSON database for Mictronics readsb that is storing aircraft meta data in browsers indexed database. Unzip content to /usr/share/readsb/html/db/. Replace existing files. For details see README on github.
Complete database for readsb using browsers indexedDB
JSON database for Mictronics readsb-protobuf that is storing aircraft meta data in browsers indexed database. Unzip content to /usr/share/readsb/html/db/. Replace existing files. For details see README on github.
Actual database for readsb-protobuf code under development.
File update once per week.

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